With a cash account you can buy things like stocks or bonds, but it only lets you spend the money that you already have in the account. This is similar to using cash in real life—you can't buy...
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Understand Capitalization In Finance – Explain Like I’m Five
Capitalization refers to how companies measure their total value and fund their operations. It has two main meanings: market capitalization and financial capitalization. Market capitalization is...
TL:DR - Capital gains happen when you sell something, like a house or stock, for more than you bought it for. If you keep it for more than a year, you pay less tax. If you sell it in under a year,...
TL:DR - Capital is money or resources that businesses use to grow, create products, or invest. It can take different forms, like equity (selling shares), debt (borrowing money), or retained earnings...
TL:DR - Buying power is how much money or credit you have to spend. Purchasing power is how much stuff your money can buy. If prices go up (inflation), your money buys less, so your purchasing power...
TL:DR - Purchasing power means how much stuff your money can buy. If prices go up, your money can’t buy as much. When prices rise, it’s called inflation, and it makes your money worth less....